17 June 2010

More Newness

We have added a few features to our blog. The "Past Issues" page shows our previous newsletters. The "Calendar" page allows you to see some of the things we are doing. These calendar events are great opportunities. You are welcome to join us during our times of prayer, either in person or in absentia. For events and meetings which are off the beaten path, we are honored by your prayers and thoughts. Thank You.
While we are still working on translating our existing pages into Spanish, the addition of the Translator tool on the right side of each page may help. Our apologies to those for whom Spanish is the natural way to communicate. We sincerely want to do better here. If you can help with the translation process, please let us know!
In the meantime, it is possible to get a rough translation on the new "Translate" page (on the green bar at the top of the page). You can click the link on that page and then paste the URL of the page you want to read into the box (try it, you'll see what we mean). The entire webpage will then be available in Spanish. There are some coding limitations on our blog site, and coupled with our own lack of skills not everything is as easy to do as we'd like. We'll keep working on it.
As always, we welcome comments and suggestions about what we are doing. Thank you!

15 June 2010

See the past!

Its crazy I know, but you can actually SEE the PAST by clicking on our new "Past Issues" page link! The link is above on the green bar. You'll be able to SEE PAST issues of newsFEED and prayerFORCE. This is not a joke.

02 June 2010

Great Soup, Great Scoop!

We have been getting back into the swing of things after our time in Guatemala. One important opportunity we scheduled was to hold an Informational Forum at our host church, Trinity Covenant. Among other things, an important goal of this forum was to continue to inform our hosts about what we are doing and how we are going about it. This gives more and more people the chance to share the Vision in many important ways.
Carmen opened by reciting a poem called "So I Stay Near the Door". This poem has been a favorite of Carmen's for a long time, and is now one of mine. It expresses how important it is to continually seek those whom Christ is seeking. Sometimes we'd rather remain behind the closed doors of the church, but our vision as ambassadors of Christ is to connect with others and share the love of God (see our Project Text!). This was a great way to start, reminding us all that we are compelled by Christ's love to reconcile the world to God.
Our NPC Director of Church Planting (our coach) Kurt Carlson, gave a church planting overview. He shared about the ECC's goals and process for church planting, and explained how we came to be a part of that process. We are currently in an early "residency" phase; prior to our official church planting work. This is a time to do much of the groundwork which would be done by planters who have resided in their planting area for some time. Since we spent the last 4-5 years in Chicago, its a time for us to get reconnected.
From there we shared our Project Text, our Vision, and our Values, which you can read about here on our blog via the links on the right side of the page. We had some time for Q&A, which included great questions like: "Kurt, you say church planting is 'hard work,' just what do you mean by that?"
We were very encouraged. About 35 people attended, with some using our commitment cards to commit to prayer, giving, and sharing the Vision. There are a few who are considering taking the big step of being a part of our Core Team, as well. Very exciting!
Thank you so much to those who prayed for this event, to those who attended, and special thanks to Barb and Cindy for the delicious cheeseburger and minestrone soups!

If you have questions about the FHL Project, please contact us. We'd love to talk to you!