our values

At Bridge, our core text—the text which informs and inspires us—is 2 Corinthians 5.14-19.
It's a snapshot of the Gospel, and its very exciting! It is so hopeful for people and for God’s creation! It begins to describe what we like to call ‘the new community in Jesus.’
We believe we are called to live differently! We offer people transformation, not despair. We offer engagement with the world, not escape from it.
Jesus opened the doors to this new community; it is known as the Kingdom of God. It will be complete when Jesus returns, but with God’s help, we at Bridge are doing our best to model a taste of what Jesus offers as we share life together with him...right now.
Being a part of the new community of Jesus means we value certain things highly. These values are our DNA. These values reflect who we are, and at the same time they represent who we want to be.
Take a look at our values, and let us know what you think! (Download the Spanish & English versions here.)


We believe the Bible is from God and reveals who God is, what God has done, and what God will do.
We will read it, wrestle with it, and allow its truth to form who we are and how we act.


We believe God invites us to daily conversation. With the help of the Holy Spirit, praying strengthens our relationship with God and is essential to understand and accomplish what God desires.
We will—individually and in community—accept God’s invitation to pray, ask for God’s guidance and power, believe our prayers are heard, and expect God to use us.


We believe God calls for our worship and is worthy of our worship. Worship forms us into people more like him.
We will worship God in all aspects of our daily lives—both individually and corporately—to give God glory.


We believe Jesus models a life of service which reflects God’s love for creation.
We will demonstrate God’s love and follow Jesus’ example by responding to the needs in our community and world.


We believe the Holy Spirit gives gifts to Jesus’ followers so they may support each other and partner in God’s work of reconciliation.
We will give freedom and support for each person—old and young, women and men—to share in the life and work of the church.


We believe Jesus died on a cross to set us free from the fear of death and the destruction of sin. When Jesus rose from the dead, his work was accomplished. We believe each person can accept this gift of freedom.
We will claim this freedom, which empowers us to imitate God. We will love without reservation, live without fear, and protect each person’s right to the freedom Christ offers.


We believe Jesus died for ALL people. Because God values each person equally, we must heal relationships distorted by inequality and injustice. We believe reconciliation is possible through the power of Jesus.
We will, through Jesus, seek to heal relationships. We will listen, accept responsibility, and speak with grace and love. Specifically, we seek healing between the Spanish- and English-speaking communities in the Salem-Keizer community.

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