ECC connection

The church we are planting is a "Covenant" church. We are supported by the Evangelical Covenant Church, and believe strongly in the ECC's Affirmations. If you would like to read more about who the Covenant is and what the Covenant believes, please peruse the following links.

Evangelical Covenant Church
North Pacific Conference

BELIEF STATEMENTS: The Evangelical Covenant Church seeks to form and nurture communities that are deeply committed to Jesus Christ and passionately engaged in Christ’s mission in the world. The purpose of Covenant Affirmations is to make clear the values and principles that have guided the Evangelical Covenant Church since its founding in 1885. (from the ECC website)
Explore the core beliefs of the Evangelical Covenant Church:
Afirmaciones del Pacto: ¿Qué cree la Iglesia del Pacto?
Covenant Affirmations: What does the Covenant Church believe?
Explores the core beliefs of the ECC in the format of a brochure. 
What Does the Covenant Church Believe? (brief version).
Afirmaciones del Pacto (versión corto)

Freedom in Christ is a key aspect of the ECC. However, many issues that face all people today challenge us to take a stance on political and ethical issues. These issues include creation care, abortion, human sexuality, human trafficking, poverty, to name just a few. The Covenant Commission on Christian Action works collaboratively to address these issues in a way which coalesces Biblical and theological thinking. The resulting resolutions are non-binding, but they do provide excellent perspective adopted by delegate vote in the Covenant's highest decision making body (at the Annual Meeting). Find more information about these resolutions and links to each Resolution currently in action at the Covenant Resolutions Page.
Of particular interest right now is the 2006 Resolution on Immigration.
Resolution on Immigration English
Resolution on Immigration Spanish

This booklet, created by the Commission on Biblical Gender Equality (BGE) of the ECC, provides Biblical basis and affirmation for women in ministry. Using a question-and-answer format, this document provides a tool both for individual study and for us in churches and families. (from ECC website)
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