16 July 2010

Something special happens when people pray together

Something special happens when people pray together. We decided that this summer we would have specific times set aside during the week to pray for the FHL Project. Since we believe prayer is essential in this task we were excited to be intentional about praying for the work ahead. What has surprised me (not sure why) is how encouraging these times have been for us as church planters and as a couple. People pray for things that have never even crossed our minds to pray about or dream about! Recently a person prayed that a Latino couple would befriend us, enabling the vision of our church plant to be lived out in our lives. This hadn’t even crossed my mind…I’m looking forward to God answering this request. We start our time together with a Psalm and end with our project text (II Corinthians 5:14-6:2) and I’m always amazed at how fast an hour goes by when God’s people join together in prayer. No wonder we are encouraged to “not give up meeting together … but [to continue] encouraging one another.” (Hebrews 10:25) Join us for some encouragement as we pray for the future of the FHL Project together.

06 July 2010

The Gift of Going

I've been thinking what a gift it is to GO. There's been a lot of going for us over the last few years, but lately Carmen and I decided to go to Young Life's Washington Family Ranch to meet some of the NE Salem Vida Joven kids and to support their leader Ronald Cruz. I had never seen the camp in action (with kids) and Carmen knew I would be impressed. I was. We were. It was a gift to us to see how the staff and facility were glorifying God in serving over ±700 (every week!). And that's not mentioning the gift of going those 700 kids receive.
We also saw and received the gift of going to a congregational meeting the other nite, in which those who were able or chose to attend shared their questions, hearts, and wisdom in a manner clearly blessed by the Holy Spirit.
Whether we go "into our inner room", to a friend's home, to a stranger's territory, for help, or into the unknown, we exercise faith as God's people and we fulfill our call to go as ambassadors of reconciliation.
Its not a law, but God often blesses our going. And many times the going is not easy. It would be easier to stay home, it would be easier to stay with people we are comfortable with, it would be easier not to bother.

Our experiences right now, in the early stages of church planting, require a lot of going. Our schedule of going continues to grow, and we're seeing a pattern of blessings, relationships, learning opportunities, fun and more as gifts of going. We are in an exciting and uncomfortable place, what Carmen calls "both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time." It's a time to trust in the Lord, asking What's next? What do we do? Where do we go?
Thank you for going with us on the FHL Project journey. Your going with us is a gift to us, and we hope a gift for you as well.
And...we hope you have a chance this week to go.