10 September 2010

Exciting Times

This is a very exciting time for us. People are hearing about the vision of this church plant and responding. Our CORE has grown to 12 people! (We have people who want to be a part of the FHL Project. You might say these people are "ready to roll." Our CORE are the people committed to "get things rolling.") During prayer Wednesday I was so thankful for the people God has joined with us. It amazes me when I think of the experiences, skills, gifts, and maturity of this growing CORE. And there are some very exciting prospects seriously considering joining this plant as well.
This is the gathering time, the time when we get the word out and invite people to begin to shape this church plant. It is a time of building relationships and community, developing our CORE spiritually and as leaders, and conceiving events and activities which allow us to live into our vision and which invite others to come along.
Exciting times. Thanks for your prayers and support.