23 February 2011

preparing to worship

This is such a busy week! We are going monthly, meaning we are starting regular, monthly worship services. We had hoped to have a site (not our home) for these services, but the one we hoped for ended up with a zoning issue. We are happy to have it here (we fit 60 people here for our Christmas service!), but our stuck between praying for more people and not wanting 20 folks standing without a chair!
Please pray for us as we begin our last Sunday of the month services. This Sunday, the 27th, will be a great learning experience for us and those dedicated to helping this church plant go. Pray attenders will come away with the peace of worshipping in community, a greater sense of God's work in them and around them, and maybe even thinking this may be their new church!

01 February 2011

Lots of Good Things

Hi Friends. A lot of good things have been happening! The best place to find the latest news is through the Past Issues link on this page.

  • A HUGE item is that the FHL Project is now officially Bridge Covenant Church and or Puente Covenant Church. We'll leave the translation to you, but you should know that the two will be used interchangeably. We are working on a new logo, and will soon be moving the information on our blog to an official website. We'll release that information soon, but we wanted to give you a heads up. We are very excited about the name of our new church. Puente fits beautifully with our Vision of "connecting & serving God & people."
  • Next, did you read about our first worship service? We hosted a Christmas Service after our "Four Evenings of Advent" on the 23rd of December at our home. Sixty people attended! The worship was a rich time of song, participation, and communion. Thank you! It was a great service. Read about it! See the pictures!
  • Finally, Salem hosted the 4th Annual Manuary Mustache Bache. Fifteen Mustaches attended. It was a ton of fun. People were connected to each other and to the people and vision of Bridge Covenant. Kids (and adults) decorated cupcakes with sweet Mustaches, we played "Pin the 'Stache on Selleck," and created hand-crafted Mustaches. Take a look at the fun!
  • Slow but sure, but this church plant is growing. Thanks for supporting us. We are watching our prayers move into praises every week, and that's so encouraging.