02 March 2011

Our First Monthly Service

One of the best things about our first service was the involvement of our CORE. One of our values is “shared ministry” which we hope to live out in all areas of ministry. In our monthly services this means that both women and men, young and old, english and spanish speakers are all involved in the service. This happened at our first monthly service last Sunday which was wonderful. Thanks team for your willingness to step out of your comfort zone and participate.
After our Christmas service (where we gathered 60 people) we were curious about the attendance on a rainy Sunday in February. We were encouraged that 38 adults and 10 children participated. We had a great representation of ages and also a good representation of the two communities we are hoping to bring together (latino & anglo).
Doing things bi-lingually is a challenge but we believe it’s important for our vision. We learned a few things we’ll do differently but overall we had a good response. We had a few people with very limited english. We had folks who are bi-lingual but their heart language is spanish. We had bilingual white folks and some white folks who aren't bilingual. We're hoping to hear more feedback regarding our bilingual format. One of my favorite moments was a women responding in Spanish to a question asked during the message.
Our connecting card has a place to respond to the service. Here’s a few responses from the section entitled "I'm inspired to:"
  • live outside my comfort zone
  • practice-learn Spanish
  • ser como cristo (be like Christ)
  • mentor someone to walk with God
  • start each day new
God is moving and his Spirit is inspiring people to serve and connect.
We’re looking forward to our next monthly service on March 27th. These services are a great opportunity people to see the vision in action. Hope to see you there!