02 December 2009

Starting with TODAY.

Okay, now that the first step is complete (starting a FHL Project at FHLproject.blogger.com), its time to give you some info. Feel free to ask questions about the past, but we're going to start with TODAY!
And the latest BIG NEWS is: We've been approved to plant a church with the Evangelical Covenant Church denomination!

Amen. We began exploring this option in earnest back in Nov/Dec of 2008. Soon after, Carmen found work with the ECC at the Dept of Church Growth & Evangelism. Perfect! They plant churches out of that office! But, since she'd now be planning/doing logistics for all the training and assessment events, it made it tough for us to attend. But she soon perfected her skills, and was able to organize an event, hand over the onsite work to the capable Carla, and we so we were finally assessed in Phoenix the week before Thanksgiving.

It was a historic assessment, with a record number of church planting women in attendance and approved. The North Pacific conference has some fantastic women in leadership, and we hope to keep in contact with them, and hopefully introduce you to them!
What's next? Well, plans are continually changing, but the main plan is to move to OR about the time of the ECC MidWinter conference (late January 2010). At that point, we hope to soon become part of the Silverton community. That is the working plan. There are lots of things to do in the meantime, and eventually we will need to sign a 3-year agreement. That is when all things become official. But in the meantime, we are working on the official reality that God has called us to plant a church, and the Church has confirmed our call. Within that call, Silverton is the place we have been invited to and for which we feel strong confirmation.

Your Job: be praying for us as we continue to develop relationships in Silverton, as we refine a Vision for this community and church. We'll be more specific as time goes by, but that's a good start. Thank you and thank the Lord!

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