18 January 2010

How do you pack an experience?

Believe me, we are soooo ready to leave Chicago!
That has little to do with the relationships we have developed here. We will miss many people, and Lord willing we will stay connected. But we are ready for things that are hard to explain unless you've lived in Montana or Oregon. Its about the air, and the sound, and the space, and the pace. There are experiences there that you just can't have in Chicago.

But our experience in Chicago has been very rich. I called seminary "Bible study on steroids!" and I loved it. My view of the world has expanded. I've learned about people and had experiences which make me a better human being. I met Carmen (can you grasp what I'm saying when I say she's TOTALLY AMAZING!)? and we got married. We saw God developing us and leading us to church planting, and I'm just finishing a very rewarding time of internship at Northwest Covenant Church. We've had a great time, an experience that you just can't have in Montana or Oregon.

We can't pack our experience. But it had better come with us. God prepares us, is always preparing us; helping us grow. Our time here would not have been so vital if we had not brought along Oregon, or Montana, or whatever experience we've had in our lives. And we hope that the experience we brought to Chicago was a blessing to those we encountered.

Chicago is now a part of our experience, a part of who we are. That means that you who have been a part of our time here will always be a part of who we are. And that is a blessing to every one we meet down the road.

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