23 February 2011

preparing to worship

This is such a busy week! We are going monthly, meaning we are starting regular, monthly worship services. We had hoped to have a site (not our home) for these services, but the one we hoped for ended up with a zoning issue. We are happy to have it here (we fit 60 people here for our Christmas service!), but our stuck between praying for more people and not wanting 20 folks standing without a chair!
Please pray for us as we begin our last Sunday of the month services. This Sunday, the 27th, will be a great learning experience for us and those dedicated to helping this church plant go. Pray attenders will come away with the peace of worshipping in community, a greater sense of God's work in them and around them, and maybe even thinking this may be their new church!

1 comment:

Amy and Andrew said...

The logo looks great!