31 March 2010

¡Yo estoy in Antigua!

Hola from Guatemala! I am in my 2nd day of language training here, and loving it. My teacher Julia is very good and gracious, and I think I am learning a lot. It is all bits and pieces, but I feel it coming together, or that it will.
It is Holy Week, and in Antigua that means a week of incredible celebration. I just watched a procession of young boys and girls (pictures after I return, I'm afraid), all in purple and white regalia, waving incense and carrying massive 'floats.' No floating Mighty Mouse or gas powered vehicle. Instead, the faithful carry incredible, elaborate floats of wood and marble and fabric etc. Very beautiful. Each float is followed by a band. Each float was carried on the shoulders of probably 40-50 children. Amazing.
I hope your celebration of Holy Week is also excessive and elaborate. It is good to quietly contemplate the work of Jesus Christ, but on Easter, as we celebrate the fact that He is risen indeed, let's throw a wild and loud party which tells the story of our sharing in the new creation. The kingdom has come and is coming, and that's cause for a celebracion!

30 March 2010

Connecting Cultures

When you’re compelled to Connect people with God and with one another it leads you to places you never have imagined. Today Scott completed his first day of Spanish language immersion in Antigua Guatemala. In response to God’s call and our vision to connect cultures Scott is doing something he never imagined doing! Just how this vision of connecting cultures is going to become a reality is beyond my imagination. I’m sure that it will require us to do, feel and experience things we never imagined. But I also know that we serve a God who “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20)

25 March 2010

New Pages! Text Vision Values

Look to your right, now look back. Now look to your right. Now look back. Now look to your right. If you are still looking to your right, you will see links to our FHL Project Text, Vision, and Values. If you haven't looked back, you will have missed what I just typed. But it won't matter, you'll have found 3 links which explore the foundational thinking behind the FHL Project.
Have a great day!
(Since there are other posts since this one, now you have to look at the top right part of the page!)

11 March 2010

people, not place (or church planting in GREATER Salem)

As we were leaving Silverton the other day, a few things occurred to us. Germane to this post was a new understanding that our struggle with place was creating undue stress. We felt that perhaps our time of residency was not a time to focus so much on place, as upon people. Its a subtle but powerful shift. We talked with our church planting coach (Kurt) yesterday, and his experience and wisdom confirmed this approach (which was exciting to us).
So, its people, not place. The FHL Project is working to gather people who are willing to join us in this exciting (and ambiguous) time of seeing where God is working and determining location together. We'd love it if you'd consider joining us.

Carmen and I, as you may already know, are preparing to co-pastor a church plant in the greater Salem area. Since we lived and studied in Chicago for ±4 years, one thing we wanted was an opportunity to reintegrate into Oregon. I'm from Montana, Carmen's from Oregon. MT and OR are actually quite similar (maybe not politically), and both are quite different than Chicago. Our denomination's (Evangelical Covenant Church, covchurch.org) department of Church Growth & Evangelism, and our conference (North Pacific, covchurch-npc.org) agreed a time of residency was appropriate. So, right now, we are preparing to plant. But our preparation is particularly dependent on how the Holy Spirit speaks to us over the next few months.

In our journey towards planting, we have held (okay, I'll be honest) pretty tightly to a particular location (Silverton) for planting. There are lots of good reasons for this, starting with a personal invitation from community residents. We prayed a lot about that, especially after we felt God calling us to church planting in a very particular and powerful way. We began to share what we were hearing, and later had the opportunity to visit 6 locations the NP Conference was exploring for planting and which also fit well with Carmen and I. Again, Silverton stood out. There are many more examples, but the point is that after 2 years of intense prayer and community conversation, considering other options is, well, new! We thought that when we arrived in the area, some of our questions would be answered, and that Silverton would be confirmed.

Instead, we have more questions!

Its not that Silverton is not confirmed. But we have been asked to consider, for example, Keizer, west Salem, and north east Salem. And we have tried hard to honor those requests. Now that we are here, and as we talk with people in the area, we are hearing about needs and places from people who actually live here. (One of our struggles has been balancing our opportunity to house-sit [economically beneficial] with the desire to get into a community [rent/buy] and become part of it [from within it]. How can we explore the options when we continue to travel in from the outside? ) (concludes with SHORT VERSION)

09 March 2010

Keeping up with the Blogses

Carmen and I are not super bloggers. This space is not only a great opportunity to let you know what is happening, but also a great opportunity for us to be more attentive at communicating what is happening in our church planting process. For me, part of this is determining what is truly interesting to report. I have come to the conclusion that I can't wait for "big news." So I will work harder at smaller, incremental reports of our process.
So, for starters, we have an official church planting email address!

FHLproject.OR at gmail.com

Please email us here for updates, to let us know what you are thinking, to tell us you are praying for us, and to tell us how God is speaking to you. We'd love to hear from you!