31 March 2010

¡Yo estoy in Antigua!

Hola from Guatemala! I am in my 2nd day of language training here, and loving it. My teacher Julia is very good and gracious, and I think I am learning a lot. It is all bits and pieces, but I feel it coming together, or that it will.
It is Holy Week, and in Antigua that means a week of incredible celebration. I just watched a procession of young boys and girls (pictures after I return, I'm afraid), all in purple and white regalia, waving incense and carrying massive 'floats.' No floating Mighty Mouse or gas powered vehicle. Instead, the faithful carry incredible, elaborate floats of wood and marble and fabric etc. Very beautiful. Each float is followed by a band. Each float was carried on the shoulders of probably 40-50 children. Amazing.
I hope your celebration of Holy Week is also excessive and elaborate. It is good to quietly contemplate the work of Jesus Christ, but on Easter, as we celebrate the fact that He is risen indeed, let's throw a wild and loud party which tells the story of our sharing in the new creation. The kingdom has come and is coming, and that's cause for a celebracion!

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