30 March 2010

Connecting Cultures

When you’re compelled to Connect people with God and with one another it leads you to places you never have imagined. Today Scott completed his first day of Spanish language immersion in Antigua Guatemala. In response to God’s call and our vision to connect cultures Scott is doing something he never imagined doing! Just how this vision of connecting cultures is going to become a reality is beyond my imagination. I’m sure that it will require us to do, feel and experience things we never imagined. But I also know that we serve a God who “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20)

1 comment:

Jen L said...

Excelente! Por cuántas semanas estarás estudiando en Antigua? Está Carmencita contigo? Los quiero mucho, y estoy orando por ustedes desde Michigan...