03 April 2010

Community Storytelling

Here's what is fabulous about the activities in Guatemala, esp. Antigua, this week. The story of the Christ's final work is being told to the community, by the community, and in the community. Too often we only tell the story when people agree to come into our building. Here, there are no hidden eggs for people to try to discover. Instead, the tragedy and insecurity that resulted from Christ's path to the cross are mourned in public.
Its all in anticipation of the joy of the resurrection, so there is a feeling of festivity in the air. But I was corrected yesterday by a woman who volunteers here. She said these are not "floats." That is too festive a word. These are serious platforms displaying the pain of Christ's trials, flogging, and crucifixion. The pain is carried on the shoulders of people who want to tell the story, who want to be a part of that story and how it affects us today and gives us hope.
I realize this is a tradition here that has developed over many hundreds of years. But, we'd love to hear ways you think we could tell this story to the community, with the community, and in the community. How can we reach out instead of requiring people to come inside our place. I know its complicated, but its worth discussing.
Have a great day, I know I will as I watch the our hermanas y hermanos en Cristo tell the story of our Messiah to their community.

1 comment:

Scott & Carmen said...

Great question. I love the physicality of actually carrying the scenes of the suffering of Christ on their shoulders. I looked up pictures on line and it looks like it requires many people together doing the work. What a great thing to participate in together. An image that I'm sure stays in the mind throughout the year. I'm excited to hear others thoughts.