26 May 2010

The Promise of Provision

Tomorrow is our first official public meeting about our call and vision for starting a new church in Oregon. Many thoughts have gone through my mind, what if no one shows up, what if our vision isn't compelling? But my mind goes back a Church Planters' Training Center that Scott and I were at 18 months ago. In the process of discerning our call we were invited to come and see what church planting with the Covenant looked like.
The training ended with a concert of prayer. A very talented church planter lead us in corporate prayer and worship. It was a very powerful experience. In the middle I remember looking at the person leading us and thinking, what am I doing? I can't play an instrument, I can't sing, I could never lead this type of concert. And then very clearly and very distinctly I heard the Lord say, Carmen I will provide. I will provide all that you need to start this church. I will provide people who sing, who play instruments, who are gifted in ways you can't imagine. I will provide. You are responsible to use the gifts I've given you Carmen, nothing more and nothing less. I will provide the rest.
This is a promise I'm sure I will return to time and time again in the process of starting something new for the Kingdom of God. As I anticipate our gathering tomorrow I rest in the promise of God's abundant provision for his people, and I remember the clear voice that said, Carmen, I will provide.

07 May 2010

A Refreshing Pace

The pace of life in Antigua is refreshing and I can't help but compare it with the month I just finished or the one that awaits me when I get back home ... Maybe I'll just stay! I have no cell phone service and better yet my laptop stayed at home. When I want to check e-mail I slip into an internet cafe, pay $2 for an hour and leave it behind.
Life seems to be fairly simple, at least in the home of our host family. The accommodations are simple but sufficient. Their home has a small living area, kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom and patio. The simple side of life was confirmed a few nights ago as we played lotteria (Guatemalan Bingo) together for Saturday nights entertainment!
The parks are crowded with people, people talking to each other, people laughing with one another, families eating ice cream, young and old together. I don't notice people talking on their cell phones in the park, or texting their friends. People are interacting with each other face to face, side by side on the park bench.
The churches are close to the life of the park and their doors are always open. Every time I've stepped inside people are present. Today there was a procession celebrating Maria, mid-week, mid-day 100 plus people gathered for the procession.
The entrepreneurial spirit seems to drift through the air here. Most people sell something in the front of their homes and since you share a wall with a neighbor on both sides the chances are high that you'll talk to your neighbor during the day. Our host family sells cheese, yogurt, and cream. Every so often the bell rings and something is sold.
The pace on the sidewalk is slow an you'll notice that locals walk on the shady side of the street. Before and after school large groups of kids in uniforms crowd the streets. Horns are discouraged in town and the cobblestone streets tend to slow down traffic. Buses use the perimeter roads. Walking is the most common form of transportation, although Scott stops often too look at motorcycles parked on the street!
A slower pace reminds me that life can get too busy! I hope as I return to Oregon the pace of Guatemala not only lingers in my mind but impacts my daily routine.

Composition Dos

For you English speakers, this is my 2nd post in Espanól. Spanish speakers will easily see how simple my grammar and writing is. While I am responsible for the content, everyone should know my first draft was much, much rougher. It is again thanks to my teacher Julia that this post remains simple in composition and yet has a few points in which some advanced sentence construction maintains my intent! FYI, if you would like to read this message (and I hope you do!) and don't have a Spanish speaking friend, you can search for "translate spanish to english" on the internet and find a translating engine you like. There is obviously more I could say about this experience than what I have said below. As usual, feel free to comment on any part of my post or on an idea the post leads you to.
Hoy es mi último diá para estudiar espanól en Antigua Guatemala. Muchas veces yo estaba con frustracion. Siempre que you aprendiá una nueva cosa, yo olvidaba otra. ¡Muy frustrante! Mas, hubo muchas cosas que you quise decir, pero yo solo no supe como.
Sin embargo, yo tuve una maestra excelente. Ella siempre me ayudó. Julia es muy inteligente, paciente, y alentadora. Aunque mi familia es muy buena (¡muy, muy buena!), habla conmigo como you sé espanol, muy bueno. ¡Yo puedo traducir las primeras 3 palabras, cuando está hablando la segunda oración!
Mi experiencia aqui me requerda de la experiencia de un nuevo cristiano. Ellos no saben el idioma, la cultura, o la gramática. Bruscamente, un nuevo cristiano está rodeado de personas bienintencionadas, pero no entienden lo muy duro, muy pesado, y muy intimidamente está.
Gracia a Dios yo tuve una persona que caminaba conmigo. Esta persona supo que yo era un principiante. Ella supo que you necesito aprendir, y ella estuvo lista para ir a mi paso. Tambien, ella estuvo lista para empujarme a ayudarme a crecer.
De cristianos, viejo or nuevo, nosotros tenemos un amigo tambien. Mayor que alguien, Jesus sabe como nosotros somos y donde nosotros estamos. Él está listo a caminar con nosotros, o al frente de, o atrás.
De cristiano, yo espero yo puedo ser un amigo como Julia. Yo necesito recordar que es como que estoy nuevo y tengo miedo. Si tu recibes la oportunidad, yo espero tu la tomes. Tomas la oportunidad de aprender algo nuevo. Tomas las oportunidad de ser un principiante. cuando tu no tienes poder o habilidad.
Asi nosotros hacemos esto, posiblemente nosotros podemos dar mas a las personas en relacion con Jesucristo.

06 May 2010

Church Plant Informational Forum

What's this? A new post? That's right, and its muy hondo.
We hope you´ve had a chance to hear about Carmen and Scott's call to plant a church in the greater Salem area. You've had a chance to read about it at their webpage (here!). Would you like to know more?
Join Carmen & Scott for a casual dinner and informational forum on Thursday, May 27th at 5:45p at Trinity Covenant Church  (5020 Liberty Road S, Salem OR).
Enjoy delicioius soup while you get the scoop!
We´ll end before 7p. We'd love to see you there.
RSVP by commenting below on this post OR email us at fhlproject.or at gmail.com OR call the church office (503.581.5675).
If you forget to RSVP, show up anyway!