26 May 2010

The Promise of Provision

Tomorrow is our first official public meeting about our call and vision for starting a new church in Oregon. Many thoughts have gone through my mind, what if no one shows up, what if our vision isn't compelling? But my mind goes back a Church Planters' Training Center that Scott and I were at 18 months ago. In the process of discerning our call we were invited to come and see what church planting with the Covenant looked like.
The training ended with a concert of prayer. A very talented church planter lead us in corporate prayer and worship. It was a very powerful experience. In the middle I remember looking at the person leading us and thinking, what am I doing? I can't play an instrument, I can't sing, I could never lead this type of concert. And then very clearly and very distinctly I heard the Lord say, Carmen I will provide. I will provide all that you need to start this church. I will provide people who sing, who play instruments, who are gifted in ways you can't imagine. I will provide. You are responsible to use the gifts I've given you Carmen, nothing more and nothing less. I will provide the rest.
This is a promise I'm sure I will return to time and time again in the process of starting something new for the Kingdom of God. As I anticipate our gathering tomorrow I rest in the promise of God's abundant provision for his people, and I remember the clear voice that said, Carmen, I will provide.


Scott said...

That's my wife. She moves me. Hear hear!

Jen L said...

praying for you, mis amigos...

Carmen said...

Thanks Jen. We appreciate your prayers.

Andrew said...

From another guy who can't sing and doesn't play an instrument...Amen!

Carmen said...

Como dicen en Colombia Amen y Amen!