02 November 2010

Quick News

We have been remiss getting the latest news out. We have some very exciting news, and some less exciting (but still important news).
First—Trinity Covenant Church has officially voted as a congregation to partner with FHL! I'll send the details in our newsletter soon, but this is what we have been praying for! Yahoo!
Second—We found a house, and now its ours! It required about a month of lots of little things that have actually taken almost a month to complete. Thankfully we have been blessed by some amazing help with labor and moving. We are in (for 5 days now!) and so excited for the ministry potential there. In fact, we've already hosted a couple of FHL related dinners in the midst of our boxes and assorted moving chaos. This is our 'excuse' for not being on top of getting fresh info out to our supporters. Our apologies.
Third—Due to our consistently changing schedule (a good thing, as our CORE is developing and we need more time together) our Wednesday evening prayer time is moving to Wednesday at 6am (that's am, as in early).
Those are huge items (the first two anyway!) and we thank you so much for your consistent prayer for these items. We know God hears us, and we are excited about how he has responded. We are looking forward to accelerating our efforts as our moving process settles down, so look forward to better propaganda performance!

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