06 May 2010

Church Plant Informational Forum

What's this? A new post? That's right, and its muy hondo.
We hope you´ve had a chance to hear about Carmen and Scott's call to plant a church in the greater Salem area. You've had a chance to read about it at their webpage (here!). Would you like to know more?
Join Carmen & Scott for a casual dinner and informational forum on Thursday, May 27th at 5:45p at Trinity Covenant Church  (5020 Liberty Road S, Salem OR).
Enjoy delicioius soup while you get the scoop!
We´ll end before 7p. We'd love to see you there.
RSVP by commenting below on this post OR email us at fhlproject.or at gmail.com OR call the church office (503.581.5675).
If you forget to RSVP, show up anyway!


Rebecca butler said...

Mark, Brooklyn and I will be there with bells on! We can't wait to hear what God is and has been doing in the waiting and in the action :) We also can't wait to be a part of the fhl movement, and are still awaiting God's confirmation of what exactly that is. Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Bill and I will be there!!

Unknown said...

Can I bring anything?
Clay Dyer

Carmen said...

See you on Thursday Clay. You can bring a friend who might be interested in the vision! Otherwise you don't need to bring anything, Thanks for the offer.